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Loofah (fragrant jade white loofah) 10 seeds
Fragrant Jade White Loofah
Fragrant Jade White Loofah is an early-to-mid-maturing variety with flowers at every node and the ability to set fruit continuously. The mature fruit is glossy beige and soft in taste. It is heat-resistant but not cold-resistant and likes light.
Sowing month: (Zone 5/Ottawa)
Indoor germination and seedling raising in mid-April, or indoor seedling raising 3 weeks before the last frost day, or live broadcast in late May to check the local frost date. Please click here to open and enter the zip code of your area.
Growth temperature:
Seed germination temperature 30-32â (86 - 89°F)
Suitable growth temperature 20ď˝35â (68 - 86°F)
Planting method: spot sowing, or transplanting outdoors when the seedlings have 3-5 true leaves, with a plant spacing*row spacing of about 60*80 cm.
Light: light-loving
Growth cycle: first harvest about 50 days after transplantation
Harvesting method: pick before aging